How to Reward and Motivate Taproom Staff
Jan 05, 2022
This is the time of year to find new and creative ways to reward and motivate your taproom staff.
In this post, we'll share tips and tactics to help you uncover the most effective ways to show appreciation for your most valuable resource.
Tip #1: Ask...
Don't guess when it comes to rewarding your staff: Ask what is interesting, exciting or motivating to them. Each person is different and it's OK to acknowledge, understand and reward them on this information.
Tip #2: Smaller is often better...
Rewards don't need to be monetary and they don't need to be huge. In our experience some of the best rewards are small and specific to the likes and needs of your staff. Examples include a gift certificate to a favorite restaurant, coffee shop or online store.
Tip #3: Find out their WHY...
Why do your employees work for you? Maybe it's a part time job, or a career path, or a way to pay for college. Once you find out their WHY it becomes a lot easier to reward and motivate.
Tip #4: Use a survey...
If you don't feel comfortable asking your employees directly, consider an anonymous survey. This way you can get a gauge on what's going on in your taproom and what would really make a difference when it comes to handing out rewards.
Tip #5: Thank you goes a long way...
One of the best 'rewards' I ever received was a simple handshake from the owner and a thank you for a job well done. It didn't take much time, and it certainly didn't cost anything, but it made my day, and I still remember it to this day! Of course, this may not be super impactful for everyone, but don't forget about the power of a sincere thank you.
As you try new ways to reward and motivate your taproom staff, let us know what works, what didn't, and new ideas you're thinking about trying. Our Taproom Success Membership is all about sharing ideas and best practices so we can do better, together.
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